Trinity Eclipse Records
Trinity Eclipse Records
Where the sun always rises above the water.
Artist Services
For the Unsigned
Your music is not only your passion but your career. Investing in your career need not be over the top expensive. What we've found is that it's not only the major record labels being reserved & cautious, but the indpendent artist, band or singer songwriter themselves who are not prepared to invest at all or very little in their quest for their music & song acknowledgement, not to mention advancement.
We offer a selection of services for the unsigned artist, band or singer songwriter out there, who may just be starting out or on a truly strict budget.
These consist of, but not limited to :-
Our S.R.F Service Vault.
This is our unique basic pre-mastering service to give your basic home recordings that uplift in music deliverance. We specialise in amatuer vocal/sound recordings.
Our Featured Artist Service Vault.
Whether you're a solo artist, band, group or singer songwriter, make effective use of our Featured Artist Profile within your genre/style category. Considering that music professionals across the board will be passing through our avenues, this is a cost-effective way to propel your band or group in front of eyes that HEAR and not only see.
Our Featured Artist Service Vault.
Register and have us create a basic listing of you as an artist, band or group on our platform. You could also greatly benefit from us designing a full single page website on our platform to link your listing (ideal for those who currently don't have a music website). The annual cost of this service is second to none.
You're free to cancel any subscription at any time. The only requirement is to give us 28 days notice.
Trinity Eclipse Records :-
We're here for the serious, dedicated, focused, HONEST and level playing artists, singer songwriter & groups. Those who are prepared to also do their part in both the investment and progression of their ship.
Any artist or band using any of our subscribed unsigned artist services will receive priority, with the opportunity of being fully signed to Trinity Eclipse Records once the signing up process window re-opens in 2020.
Have you got what it takes, to be the bait and be caught in our net, hook, line and anchored?
We're the captain of our own ship, and therefore it's our responsibility to only board those who's passports are stamped with ambition, drive, respect and integrity. Passengers who will also invest in their goals. Show us how serious you are.
It's harsh, but gone are the days where record labels worked on a 'Free-Ticket-To-Ride' (gamble) basis, and absorbed all the cost.
Register and enlist in our services and show us your dedication, professionalism and understanding. It's all about honesty and fairness in today's world of music and song.
You got to have integrity, and not just hopes and wishes.
You MUST write & produce your own material, both lyrics and musical composition/production. Or exclusively OWN the FULL rights or have the legal leases to any music composition/production or lyrics you use. NO free demo's or tracks that contain uncleared samples used in backing tracks will be accepted.
Written checkable consent will be a requirement in such cases of exclusive ownership, full rights or leases acquired/purchased as mentioned above. That will be cross-referenced by us.
Disclaimer :- Trinity Eclipse Records can not be held responsible to any third party claims to music, songs or lyrics that are played or streamed on this platform/website.
Copyright 2012 - 2019 © Trinity Eclipse Records. All rights reserved.